PHS Choir Students posing for a group photo in NYC

Grants in Action | 2023/2024 School Year

Mr. Shelvin Burns, Perrysburg High School Choir Teacher, requested a $8,000 grant from Perrysburg Schools Foundation to help offset the cost of a trip to New York City. Students on the trip participated in a Broadway music and movement workshop, performed at the cathedral church of St. John the Divine, which is the largest cathedral in the world, went on a backstage tour of Radio City Music Hall and experienced two Broadway musicals.

“Our goal was to relieve a portion of the financial stress from the students/adults responsible for funding this experience,” explained Mr. Burns. “This was an awesome opportunity for our students, and we did not want the financial aspect to be the final determinant in attendance. We wanted all of our students interested to be able to have this experience. For some, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”

During the trip, about 80 students learned tips and tricks of performing and had experiences that will benefit both the choir and theatre programs at the high school, which in turn is a direct benefit for the school district by further strengthening our arts program.

The Perrysburg Schools Arts Council is charged with suggesting areas of funding from the Perrysburg Schools Foundation and its Campaign for the Arts that supports the visual and performing arts through student discovery, student experience, program growth and program sustainability.